Keyword Insight Newsletter

Grow your online brand with our top keyword picks

High search volume , low competition keywords delivered to your inbox for free

About Us

What is Keyword IQ?

Are you looking to reach a massive audience online, but struggling to find the right keywords? Keyword IQ is a free weekly newsletter that presents you with an abundance of appealing keywords that have high search volume and are easy to rank for. The process of keyword research can be tedious, but with Keyword IQ, you'll save countless hours of research. Every week, we deliver a rich collection of keywords to inspire and guide your targeting efforts, making your path to online success much smoother.

Built for you

Who can benefit from this?

Writers / Content Creators

Create content that will go rival by staying up to date on keywords people search for online


Discover top keywords to help boost your site's SEO & reach more customers through search

Indie Hackers

Find inspiration for products by examining keywords that people are searching for


Find inspiration for problems that need solving & products that users need

Anyone interested in trends

Discover trends in user search & behavior patterns

Benefits for you

Benefits to subscribers


Stay ahead of competition

With our newsletter, you'll stay ahead of the competition by discovering high-traffic, low-difficulty keywords before they do.


Save time & effort on keyword research

With just a few minutes per week, stay up to date on trending keywords by reading Keyword IQ's constantly updated selection of keywords in our weekly email.


Improve your search engine ranking

We deliver the keywords you need to improve your search engine ranking and drive more organic traffic to your site.